By Conner Hughes
Most researchers say that it takes about 20 minutes for our brains to realize that we are full. In accordance with this, most people who are trying to change their eating behavior are given advice to do the following - Put your utensils down in between bites, chew your food X amount of times, wait X seconds after you have swallowed to take the next bite, drink water in between each bite, stop half way through your meal and wait 10 minutes. These and other strategies like them are designed to increase the time it takes you to eat your food. The hypothesis is that taking more time will get you towards the "20 minutes mark" that it takes for your brain to register what you have eaten.

They do this in a variety of ways from putting water into chicken which makes it softer and easier to chew, to adding fat, simply to make the food break down easier in your mouth, and even injecting marinade into meat so the connective tissue is destroyed making it almost "pre-chewed".
As you can imagine, processed foods also contain additives and chemicals that reduce the effort it takes to break them down and swallow. This means that you are often taking the next bite even before you have swallowed the first. So not only are the highly processed foods more calorie dense, but you are also eating more of them because they are designed to be eaten very fast. In most situations your brain will not register the fact that you have just eaten 1,000 calories in 5 minutes, so you continue to eat.

All this chewing also gives you a fantastic side effect. Chewing enhances flavor! It's called savoring your food. When the food stays in our mouth longer our sense of smell really has a chance to kick in and provide an extra flavor boost. We all are aware of this on some level - every kid knows if they don't like the taste of something they should try and AVOID chewing and gulp the food as quickly as possible.
So slow down, chew and savor your food. Eat mindfully. Think about choosing foods that are less commercially processed and require a little more effort to chew. Your stomach will be able communicate fullness appropriately and at the same time your taste buds can be really satisfied.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2709738
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