Living in today's extremely health conscious world we are all under a constant barrage of instruction from magazines and television programmes to get healthy, get fit and stay healthy and stay fit. This is alright if you have an unlimited amount of spare time in your life as well as the will power of a monk or nun to stay disciplined to a healthy diet but not all of us lead that kind of life, sometimes we are too busy to exercise and eat healthy. This does not mean that we do not want to be healthier it is just that we struggle to find the time. So what hope is there for us people who are always on the go, what can we do to get in shape and stay in shape?
Running or jogging is a great way to start to get back in to shape. It costs very little to get started and you can fit it around any schedule or plans you may have as you do not have to work to a time table to go for a run. It is something that you can do in nearly all weather and it is something that you can involve the family in or even a buddy. The first thing you need to do is to be totally committed to the fact that you want to get in shape and be healthier, if you cannot give yourself that commitment then you will not give yourself the time or motivation to see the plan through.
Starting slowly is always the best way to go about getting yourself back in shape. It may have been some years since you last tried to get in shape and as you get older certain parts of your body refuse to do the things that your brain would like them to do, so for that reason you must be strict with yourself and be patient. Always consult your doctor with your plans before you go ahead and attempt to get back in shape, he may have some pointers for you as well as having some valuable health advice.
If your doctor is happy with your plans and can see no problems why you should not get back in shape then you need to make sure you set yourself a time table for the week ahead giving yourself perhaps four windows where you could go for a run but setting yourself a goal of going out at least three times out of the four. This way if for any reason you cannot make one of the runs you are not too disheartened or de-motivated as you will always have a spare slot later in the week. Always be realistic with your goals and be true to yourself, some days you will run well and others you will run like a three legged dog. On these days you need to remember that although you are not running well you are still at least running.

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